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Showing posts from July, 2018

What does Success means to You...?

SUCCESS ,   is a  wonderful word, self define word, which is a dream of every human being living on this planet. But What does SUCCESS actually mean...??? My name is Snigdha Bhagat and let's see the different versions of Success.... So let's get started!!! Bla Bla Success..... Many of us actually never know the true meaning of SUCCESS and We were never even taught by anyone about it. The only thing we dreamt of is to be successful, i.e.  Earn a lot of money,  Respect in society,  Fame,  Stardom,  a Bungalow,  Luxurious Car,  branded clothes etc.  Stuff like that, which simply says live the best of what the world brings to you .    OK....  Let me tell you one instance, I had a friend. Her dad is a well-established Lawyer and Mom is a lawyer too. They're living a damn good life. I mean a life that we normal people think of after we get so-called successful. But there is no "communication" between them. His father has his own office at home,