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 ALL You need to do is to live Just a Single day... 

That's it !!!

Now, many of us will wonder what I meant by this..... I know I know!!! Hold your horses beautiful readers. I will explain everything.

                                            We as human beings have always been told to live or lead a beautiful life. We get trained by our parents, and teachers, then later on at our work surroundings etc. By seeing them & what situations demand, we keep on changing that way accordingly, in which there is nothing wrong at all but did anyone notice what exactly are we doing throughout the day?

                                   We are living with our family, our parents, kids, spouse, friends, and workspace, and there are a lot of responsibilities to take care of & all we have is 24 hours a day, including ourselves and we need to live happily. We manage all the stuff & behave like "Superman" or sometimes we procrastinate a few things on another day which we call "tomorrow". Sometimes we keep on planning things which we will be going to do after 5 years, this & that or we will find jobs which will secure our future (financially) after retirement say about after 30 yrs of job. 

       OMG !!! Isn't it too far !!!  Or Do we believe in this enthusiasm that we won't die anyway?


Duh!!! I am not here to demotivate anyone. I am just trying to say that we are one & all we have is 24 hours only. And what exactly this life is called? I don't see or have a box where my past days get saved in or my future is kept. So, what exactly this life is ???

We need to live only One Day. We don't need to plan our next 5 years because there are no records of those 5 years, We never know whether things will get the same way we planned or not, but that doesn't mean we don't plan things, my point is just to make sure you set your mind for random twist and turns as well when it requires. 

So, what is in our control is to plan a day, which again we will be moving ahead with every second &  that one second will pass with every blink of an eye, we ain't aware of. Hence, all we need to live in that 1 second or moment but yes we have a record to live 24 hours so we can plan that day accordingly which is in our hands I believe. That's why live that whole day to the fullest. Live like there is no tomorrow, that's how you won't get lazy by skipping things on tomorrow. 

You will need to love every single moment, that's how you will live the actual so-called "LIFE".

Hope You All Like It And Hopefully It Will Be Helpful.

This is me SNIGDHA BHAGAT, Signing off for now.....

Meet you all with another topic.      
Till then Enjoy... 
Spread Love!!! 
Stay Calm and Peaceful !!!


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