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What are these Hardship means? 

Why do we feel this emotion of Hardship in any Situation?

Maybe when we don't want to do something
Maybe which don't belong to our plan 
Maybe which is out of our Comfort / Interest zone.... Hmmm !!! Let's Just check this out through this blog. 

                                   My name is Snigdha & I am not a qualified Psychologist or some saint or haven't done any superior course of getting a better life or anything like that. But this is my own way and space to explore and share what I feel and some great experiences I have had throughout my life journey, which is still continuing and so much more to learn and share with the readers to make everybody's life better. Hence, we learn with our own time or we can say Time is the best Teacher. Moving ahead !!!

                                HARDSHIPS are the Opportunities for me to get Better & Better in Life. This Equation is a complete Aftermath, of what I am today right now, in terms of Physical, Mental, emotional, BehaviourWise, Personality based etc.  These bring out our own different variables which we might not be aware of or let us explore the hidden flavors inside us. Yes, you heard it right "Flavors". Don't get distracted by this. FOCUS. Hahaha.....

                                                  We have each & every Flavors/ Emotion of Life within us whether it's Good or bad. We have it all inside us. It is totally up to us what to choose or what to not. Situations may come and go but how we react to any particular situation & how to think & conclude about it, is totally up to us. Every situation has something good in it which teaches us a lesson for life, which ultimately gonna inculcate into our Personality & make us who we are today. 

       But sometimes we kind of feel attractive towards somebody else's Personality & want to become like them. And we never know that when we admire them so much that we start behaving & working like them or become the same the way they are.        

          That means we can be anything we want to be...!!!
                                        SO, HOW ABOUT TO EXPLORE IT !!!

Sometimes, we faced a lot of hardship..... So let's just Explore what this Hardship means? 
Something we are uncomfortable with/ which is not easy going for us/ which took lots of effort/ which shook our minds. 

                       Some people who are determined to do things or to find out the way, they will easily pass this hardship phase & find out or bring out change at last in themselves. And some will convert that hardship as their path of life. So, how can we say that hardships are bad...? Just it brings you out of your comfort zone doesn't mean this is bad. 

Some people I observed usually become very comfortable with what they have, they call it my Interest, my Zone, I am sensitive to something, etc. etc. I mean they don't even want to explore the other side of theirs. In fact, they get so comfortable in their habits/ nature that they don't even know that they have some other sides as well. We are made up of everything, every emotion, every nature of life, we can even think of on this Planet.
As I always used to say : 

                                      YOU'VE GOT TO LEARN ONCE.....
                                    YOU'VE LEARNT TO LIVE WITH IT.....
                          WHICH ULTIMATELY HAVE BECOME YOUR PATH.....

We are somehow unaware of the fact that What Our Body's Original Nature is ? 

         We can be adaptable in Nature and we can adapt ourselves physically, and mentally anytime whenever we want / when the situation demands. It only takes One thing which is again within us only i.e. Will Power: For that, we need to just remember our Goals & stick with them and never Quit unless we achieve them. Sometimes we plan something else & somehow we are unable to walk on that path, then you don't need to get disappointed with that HARDSHIP, 
1. Okay for once just cry it out but only Once that's it. 
2. Just sit with yourself,
3. Think,
4. Find the conclusion rather than sit sad and waste lots of energy physically, and mentally by overthinking and cribbing about the fact you weren't able to fulfill what you wanted. Maybe you ain't meant for that Or maybe you are not meant right now, just TRUST THE PROCESS, may be you need some more skills before reaching that particular Goal, you have thought. 

So, this is how you can Convert your 
opportunities & take full advantage of it.


In fact, what I believe is this place here on this Planet, there is nothing around us, we can't take lessons from. There is always a learning,  we just need to look around us. There is so much to look for outside, around us but we are just running & running in the race, ignoring everything around us. That's how we keep on distant ourselves away from the real/ Original Us ( Nature ) & come across lots of disappointment, unhappy & full of toxicity.

                 Everything here, every single moment you spend here is worth YOU JUST NEED TO FEEL IT & OBSERVE IT. You can never say your time got wasted, " NO ". Yeah, this might happen that it didn't work according to your planning but TRUST me if you keenly observe whatever you have done, it was worth it for that particular moment. So, whatever is happening we can't control that but we can change our way of thinking & transform that hardship into Opportunity. 

Just be Greedy here, 
Change Your Plan & 
Trust the Process, because ultimately it's gonna lead you to your Destiny. We are capable enough to do anything, anything we can even think of. 

HARDSHIP is nothing but just a SHIP that needs you to  
HANDLE your 
ACTIONs & taking care of
RIDE of Particular moment safely with
             In the End, you will shine when reach the other side of the journey/Situation with more Experience and learning which teaches us that there is nothing to lose but we get to meet a new side within us that we didn't even know.
            So, Did we lose anything at the End from so called                "Tough situation or Hardship"?
                     Life is Hard, and how we balance is a task.... if keep on working leads us to meet new opportunities and happiness, 
           Don't you think it is worth it in the End? 

     What I have learned from the Hard/ Tough word is something that takes extra effort, 
     so are we afraid to put in extra effort which ultimately gonna improve our Personality Only?

 Think !!! 
Think !!!
Think !!!

Till Then, Hope You All Like It And Hopefully It Will Be Helpful.

This is SNIGDHA BHAGAT, Signing off for now..... Meet you all with another topic.                         

                                Till then Enjoy...... Spread Love!!! Stay Calm and Peaceful !!!



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