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Showing posts from October, 2021

How to lead a happy life...!!!

                                            The way we think, we will become that way.....                                           Likewise As you Sow, so shall you Reap......                     Always Choose to Viberate at High frequency.  HIGH  FREQUENCY means .......??? Positive thinking, Good words, Bless yourself. Raising your thoughts' Power with Positive Words, because whatever the Energy / Mood we are at, If it,s LOW then  you'll see things accordingly i.e. not good and vice verse...... But by saying Good words if you'll at low mood then still you can raise your energy or lift up your mood. WHY THOUGHTS  MANIFESTS  IN  LIFE ??? So that we can create them with full faith. Viberating Energy is directly propotional to Perceiving Energy..... For Instance :  In Case you hit the car or your Car hit by another Car. You won't say anything,  if you're at high frequency or if you're vibrating at high frequency. You won't believe from  where it comes (the r


      It is so easy to say that it is your fault, Isn't it???                                     It's  so easy to blame others for our behaviour towards them or Our actions towards them ,says they've done this way or said things to me which triggered me or I got Irrated and out of reaction I said that. MEANS : We ain't accepting our mistakes moreover we're blaming others for that..... Things which we ain't own them , how is it possible for us to change. Hence we need to accept our mistakes rather than counting others, then only we can leads to the mental peace of our soul. It's so easy for anyone to say, that person deserves all the bad things happened to them. Isn't it so Easy??? YOU KNOW WHY ??? Because it's pretty easy to Blame others, to point out their mistakes , to put allegations on someone  rather than accepting your own mistakes ( ourselves). What difficult is Or Out of our comfort zone is to Change Ourselves , Our way of thinking, Our natu