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Showing posts from March, 2021

Change Our Way of Thinking - Control ANGER (1)

      NO  ANGER Just the way we think & act accordingly, So if we want to make us " Anger Free " , we need to change OUR WAY OF THINKING .      As we all know we are the CREATOR of our thoughts . So, this is our choice whether we want to have good thoughts ( which brings happiness) OR bad thoughts (which leads us to ANGER).  A MOBILE PHONE......  Lets understand this with an example i.e. Cell phones. lets suppose ,    Cellphone body = Our Body   Batteries = Our Energies or Mood ( happy/sad/Angry ) Just like Phone need charging for its batteries to work, same as work with our body. We need to maintain our Emotional Health , always keep our Energies High by think GOOD and POSITIVE .

Stay Away From Negative Energies.

 Okay, LETs Start this with a Question...!!!                                          Can We Forgive someone who hurted us??? Logically if we think about this then the Reply would be ' NO ' . BUT inspite of thinking logically, we've to think the way it should be, where no logics will work. Quite Simple..... right???? NAHHH.....!!! So lets understand this in a different way :- Lets say,       FIRST PERSON - Who hurted you .       SECOND PERSON - You. So, who hurted you is a Negative person for You, right??? I mean they are wrong/bad person according to you i.e." Negative ". So if we think about them, we surround ourselves with NEGATIVE ENERGY .                                                           Agree???     Now, the Question is How are we make ourselves Negative or Getting effective by them? So, thinking BAD about them because we can't think Good about someone who hurted us , so we start think bad about them, talk inadequate about them or sometimes