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I Don't Wanna Grow Old !!!


                                        Doesn't really matter whether you're male or female or any other gender, caste, race, religion, nationality..... This Financial dependency makes you useless, Powerless, Orphan. You start feeling like you're worthless. People around you makes you feel like, you never belong to them. And that's not something I'm making it by my own, I saw that. I've experienced that too.

                             Even your Parents and siblings too. Then why are we talking about our Indian culture, so proudly of having "Joint family", when there is 'NO ACCEPTENCE', 'NO RESPECT' among each other. We usually says that we understand each other emotionally, that is why we are connected But Do we "Indian" actually really think it's TRUE??? 


   SORRY I DOUBT...!!!

                          But that doesn't mean that I am against being Financially Independent. Not at all.... But "Must" , "Expectation" etc. , should stop using these words or telling us what to do or what to not .

                            That I really want to cancel out. That really Weaken us.... 

Actually..... whatever I observed  here, nobody is even trying to understand you and we being lacking in knowledge as normal human being, we expect a lot from people around us. But here is the thing when people are trying to get their lives on track, others esp. families keep on putting words into their heads , saying things which are not even relevant or necessary.

                        People sacrifices their Dreams, Career, sometimes Love, Passion everything..... That's what we should proud of????

                            Is this called living a life???? Where you live suffocatively , Just to make someone else's Ego satisfied. God knows who on this Earth give right to anyone to push somebody away from Love, Career, Passion or whatever they think or plan about their future. Who give you the right to tell others what should they do or in what way they will be happy in.....????


                    Be a family who gives Strength, who tells you that we got your back. 

                              Let them breathe!!!

                              Be a family who gives them support, not a family who stops & pressurize and tell them what good for them, what not.... As a concern it is fine and totally appreciable and thankful for the concern But don't force them to believe what you believe. Because everybody have their own way of living, thinking , different way to see things , have different opinion and perspective to see and observe things and definitely different strength and capabilities.

                         You also learn from experiences happened in your life , Let them do that too. If you really want to stop something, stop someone get into BAD HABITS  which can danger their health or risk their lives. 

                          Not stop someone to follow their passion. We all are here with each other for a reason. So, Understand that reason & support them when needed.

                           Be a family who can be FRIENDS, so that no person have to look someone outside or trust someone outside more than their own Family, more than YOU guys who are their own most trust-worthy and reliable people. 

                      Then what's the  point of having Joint, so called "Big", so called "Happy family" from outside only, just to flaunt when nobody from inside is HAPPY....??? 




Hope You All Like It And Hopefully It Will Be Helpful.

This is SNIGDHA BHAGAT, Signing off for now..... Meet you all with another topic.                         

                                Till then Enjoy...... Spread Love!!! Stay Calm and Peaceful !!!


  1. Oh my god!! Amazing👍 I love it ❤.. Believe me I totally agree with you. Keep it up..

    1. Thankyou so much Shweta♥️ and I'm glad that uh like it..... Keep supporting & sharing ahead...😊🙌


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