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Think me a Part of You...!!!

 Dedicate to someone special who is everything to you.... Who is a part of you...!!!

Sometimes you never know , people are just happened to you. You just met somebody to whom you can connect through "VIBES ". It is not about their Looks, or you got attracted towards them by seeing their personality or their profession or to which country he lives, what's his/her lifestyle etc. 

It Certainly the Vibes Only.......

Such Bond, such people have got very verrrryyyyyyyyy special place in your Heart. In your Lives. You simply wanna Love them, adore them, enjoy each other's company. They are such a beautiful people in your Lives.

I am sure, it happened to all of us who are reading this blog right now. Am I right???
This feeling is beautiful and and and my dear readers it isn't even a LOVE.....

Then what it is called???
It is something BEYOND this LOVE thing.....
It is a VIBE.... 

I know I know some people will laugh at me after reading this but it's TRUE.

As in LOVE, we kind of being selfish, want to keep them with us.... We kept expectation from them.... We start wanting things from them.... We Start using words like you're only Mine, I won't share you with anyone.

TRUST starts converting into Anger, Jealous, possessiveness..... 
CARE starts becoming suffocation.... 
PROTECTION starts turning out into Ignorance ( Ignoring our loved one's need & Happiness, which should be our priority towards them...)

They start becoming their unrequired responsibility in which they think they owned each other and  Ignore their happiness, wants. Sometimes one can start remain SILENT& the other one can't even recognise their Silence........ 
Sadly!!! But TRUE....

We have started grown old before our age just as our relationship because we've started focusing on WANTING than GIVING. We started ignoring one another. LOVE factor starts becoming as BURDEN....

                                                As Sometimes something special happen to us, something have 'no name' yet something which is "BEYOND LOVE" . Some might can say "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE" ..... which is certainly not correct..... Yes , i agree it is UNCONDITIONAL but I don't wanna call it as LOVE..... I don't want to connect this feelings to a word LOVE ( in terms of society's definition of LOVE).

                   It is totally a "VIBE", Your connection which you don't even know , How? I mean you never met that person but you can feel their touch.... I mean How is it possible???
But that's the truth.... You kind of know how he looks in real, what kind of reaction he will give, how he behaves( In your head you think you know all that ) . When you just think about him/ her, you suddenly gets his texts, it kind of bringing smile on your face as they become your " Happy Vibes " . 

                                      When his one text is enough to start a morning. When you are god damn angry that he didn't texted you but when you got a ping your anger melt like a Glacier. It's not you want all the time i.e. 24*7 talks but a Ping in a day or a ping after a bit of duration just to make you feel alive or somebody is always there for you, is really a best feeling in the world. They leads you towards not any bad way or spoiling your habits but don't know why but you start feeling like you want to become a better person . They gives you a reason to live , they reminds you of your worth ( not they tells you all these things but you know it by yourself only ). Without him you are soooo cold by heart but he is like a Sun who brings shine in your life, warmness to your heart.... 
OR you can say who lighten up your Heart.....  haha....


                                  It is such a True & Pure Bond. Just giving & giving & giving from both the sides, but you both knows nothing can happen in real between you guys but still have that bond, feelings, have that relationship between you both
 ( without any name to that relationship, there is a Relation ). There is a bond which is beyond to this Real world. This connects you both to the another world..... I don't know but this is True..... every single word of it, is True..... It's magical..!!!

Still you have to live here, in this Real world. By following their proper norms, rules & regulations of this society.....

In Physical world,  nothing can happen between you both and you both don't even think about it much.... because at this level you really don't even care.... 
It is something from inside.....
You both knows you both are there for one another.... whether you talk to one another or not. Actually this isn't even depend upon that i.e. talks and all..... You both are there with each other , around each other.... You never feel alone.... Because they're always & forever connected to you.....

                                   But yeah, you are a normal human being too... You can miss them in real world, you want to meet them, hear their voice, want to see them too.... but....

Please don't spoil this strong bond because of these Real world thing demands.... don't let these things overpower your feelings.....

This feeling of VIBES are something in which you feel complete.... Satisfied.... Sense of togetherness.... Beautiful feelings with someone, beautiful around you... Always..... And ... Forever..... 

Because Somebody taught me,
Always have space for them in your life.... whether they're there or not.... :) <3  


Hope You All Like It And Hopefully It Will Be Helpful.

This is SNIGDHA BHAGAT, Signing off for now..... Meet you all with another topic.                         

                                Till then Enjoy...... Spread Love!!! Stay Calm and Peaceful !!!


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