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Showing posts from March, 2023


    LIVE LONGER ?  OR     LIVE LONGER WITH GOOD MENTAL & PHYSICAL HEALTH ?   THINK! THINK!! THINK!!! Let's start with the very beginning of our life, when it started, when we born. We were kids, got excellent immunity, Agree or not? Got great stamina, lots of energy, flexibility, healthy bones without any flaws. Everything was perfect.  Now, stop right there & think are we still the same? " No!!! " - To my surprise everybody's answer would be the the same. So what is it that made us different than earlier?                                                 My name is Snigdha & I am not any qualified Psychologist or some saint or haven't done any superior course of getting better life or anything like that. But this is my own way and space to explore and share what I feel some great experience I have got throughout my life journey, which is still continues and so much more to learn and share it with the readers to make everybody's life better. Hence