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Let's start with the very beginning of our life, when it started, when we born. We were kids, got excellent immunity, Agree or not? Got great stamina, lots of energy, flexibility, healthy bones without any flaws. Everything was perfect. 

Now, stop right there & think are we still the same?

"No!!! " - To my surprise everybody's answer would be the the same. So what is it that made us different than earlier? 


                       My name is Snigdha & I am not any qualified Psychologist or some saint or haven't done any superior course of getting better life or anything like that. But this is my own way and space to explore and share what I feel some great experience I have got throughout my life journey, which is still continues and so much more to learn and share it with the readers to make everybody's life better. Hence, we learn with our own time or we can say Time is a best Teacher. Moving ahead :

First of all, don't expect any philosophy or some kind of rocket science or any formula to live & lead Happy Life. No need to or don't fall for or look something outside/for a book that can tell you something different or something new.

But Yes, if you still want somebody who can tell you this, then go to your Parents, to Nursery classes/ to kindergarten teachers, or read some baby books that tell you some habits and etiquette. They are the best people or the perfect place you can find your answers. Don't get shocked..... "Go Back to your basics" I meant. 

"Basics are always Best", Old is God" etc. We just heard such things but never understood those lines. "Basics" which we start forgetting while growing up. We start indulging ourselves into a lot of activities, start our life with pace just to earn money, raise our status in society and many more. And then start making our 'work' priority, ignoring Health both physically or mentally. Start ignoring them while focusing on running in a race (superficial). Compromising our Eating habits, sleeping habits, Exercising habits.

                                   But that doesn't mean at all, don't run in a race, don't work hard. Do all that, Infact this will enhance a lot of your skills, groom your personality, get you everything which help you to fulfill your dreams, that builds your status in society, make everybody happy around you (your family), make a respectable life but can you compromise or ignore your health because of that? Do you think, what will you do with all that money, hard work, and ungroomed personality when you ain't even healthy?

As I always used to say, every single individual on this planet has 24 hours only in a day - We all have got the same time.

But how you manage i.e., how to live, find time for yourself, for your family, for your friends, for work, etc., makes your lifestyle of living.

It's not a rocket science; it's not complicated at all.

Infact, this is way simpler than anybody can think of. Just you need to hold your basic habits & be consistent & don't compromise these habits for anything. You know what's the most important thing in life, is to appreciate every single thing happening in your life. That's how you don't need to be                "religious or something" to show how much you value things for just a day. Value things around you and show Gratitude and things will happen automatically around you, according to you. Because you make that thing happy & things always come to those who value them. And for sure


                  Make yourself a Priority because if you won't be healthy, taking care of your health/ your state of mind then you won't be able to achieve what you look for, no matter how much you work hard for the things.

So my dear Readers, Let me take you back in the time, straight toward your Nursery classes:

You need to adopt some of the basic habits:


Sleep without Thinking about anything, before sleep Thank the Universe for the wonderful rest of 17 hours because you never know about morning, Nothing negative but way positive that we are done for the day and looking forward to the new chapter / new day.

Every day is a new beginning, a new chance In fact a new life. So, never regret ever because if somehow you missed something today, you will have a chance to do it tomorrow if life offers you. So, make every single second count & make the best use of it. 

For me, these days are empty pages and Life is a book that carries those empty pages. So, we just need to fill those pages with our work, duties towards ourselves, family, work, and society - In short, fill those pages with your life experiences and learnings and moments you spent here as memories.


New beginning, new day. So, always think you are a newborn baby. So, charge your mind and body before going out in the world.

If you will do mind exercise that means your mind is well prepared to plan for things for the day ahead and the same goes with your body. Do Meditation - which includes your breathing technique nothing else. Make a routine of 10-15 minutes, if not more than you can. Just sit quietly without thinking anything--- Read it again---- without thinking anything, focus on your breath, deep breath in & out. That's it!!! 

For physical Health, people go to gym, or some do yoga or stretching. If you can't do that much, I recommend QIGONG - you can learn it on YouTube and do it at least for 10 minutes. You will for sure feel the difference, relax and much more excited and refreshing for the day ahead. 

You can Manifest some positive thoughts for you in the present tense for the rest of the day right after meditation. This is very effective & can actually bring changes. So, do try this.


Always give at least 1 hour for your hobby.

For example, for some, it is reading, writing, painting, gaming, photography, or anything that soothes your mind, which makes you connect again and again while staying out with others. It helps you to remind yourself who actually you are as a real Soul and believe me who won't be feeling happy after meeting their own people when living away for some time from them. The same goes with THE SOUL, you won't find much time while staying out in the world, some are working for their employers, some working for their families - our lovely homemakers. So, we better should do these kinds of activities to get to meet ourselves and we will automatically feel much more relaxed and happier.


Here, whether we belong to any age we should have good Eating Habits. But what are those habits?

So, we have already talked about live in present moment, this is in every situation. For those who are working outside the home or inside the home, DON'T THINK ANYTHING WHILE EATING OR IF OUR MIND IS STILL ON THINKING MODE, THINK GOOD & ENJOY THE FOOD. It is just like we used to get pissed off when we are infront of somebody and they ignored us. Likewise, we only need to enjoy food & give our full attention to it and before eating just thank food, universe and everyone who put efforts to brink that food to you, esp. farmers, nature, parents, House help, chefs etc. or you can take a deep breath and say positive sentences which you wants it to happen to you & you will definitely gonna enjoy the Meal and feel refreshing. 

Yeah yeah, some must have thought it's funny, but I just want you to try that because we already call it joke what we are living so try this way too, doesn't have any harm to try something new. If you will not see any change, you can again jump back to the previous one, which I can bet you won't be as you will see wonderful changes in you, in your life after adapting this habit.


Yes, you read it right. Drink water as much as you can, don't wait until lips dry. Make it a routine to drink atleast a glass of water per hour.

I know I know, some will say they don't have time for this.... So you better should find some for yourself. Nobody will come to take care of you, you have to do it by yourself. Especially for Young generation, don't replace your water thirst with Other drinks because that's definitely is gonna help you live longer at all. 


So, I am assuming everybody got fix working hours i.e. 8-9 hours, Right? 

Why are you laughing ???

Have I said anything inappropriate !!!  

I know professionally we got some fixed hours but later on, people still sit in the office to gain incentives or to resolve some extra work. Now, these days this working culture seems as normal. Some Bachelors would say, we yet do not have family, or something to take care of so we can work longer !!! Some would say if this can get us incentives so why not !!! and some would say we got so much pending to work so we need to work late !!! 



I don't get this point that how anyone don't have a personal life. Everyone have it, If you are feeling you do not have so you better should have it. Unless your heart is pumping we all have our personal link with ourselves, with our soul. Give yourself enough time to do your hobby, give some time to your family whether you are living within the family or staying distant from them, you all should spend few hours with them which is so valuable and always connect you to your roots, your real self. Sometimes, we got diverted running in a race but staying connect with a family is always let you focus on our goals. Go for a walk, spend some time with yourself. These days what is happening is that we are not giving Our time and Energy to things which should be Our priority in our lives. For example, we are Our most important Person, but if we see that we are not giving a single second to ourselves, So that's where we are lacking in my friends. 

Working Hour should be 7-8 hours only where we need to focus on work only , nothing else and after that set that work away from your personal life. 


What are the Ethics? So One should always be in that zone what he/she is at that moment. Whole focus should be that only to make that moment & work worthy, respectful towards that, and make the best use of it.

Hence, What are Work Ethics, Eating / Drinking ethics, Most important what are life Ethics? The answer is just do what you are doing at the moment without thinking anything else, give your best to that particular thing, spend your time with that Vibe. I think this is the best way you would ever get to improve, to lookout your mistakes if you are making, or make the best use or benefit of it. 

With that I am wrapping up my this Valuable topic of life. Hopefully, this will create a better shift in your life towards leading a memorable life ahead. Value each second of your life, make every second worth living. Then we don't need to go to hill stations or escape from where we are to get a fresh Air because if noise is still inside your head then you won't get any satisfaction at hill stations as well. So make a best life and breathable life where you are , along with your family. 

YES !!! It's Possible.....


Hope You All Like It And Hopefully It Will Be Helpful.

This is SNIGDHA BHAGAT, Signing off for now..... Meet you all with another topic.                         

                                Till then Enjoy...... Spread Love!!! Stay Calm and Peaceful !!!


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