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Showing posts from April, 2023


  HARDSHIPS ARE THE OPPORTUNITIES !!! What are these Hardship means?  Why do we feel this emotion of Hardship in any Situation? Maybe when we don't want to do something Or   Maybe which don't belong to our plan  Or   Maybe which is out of our Comfort / Interest zone.... Hmmm !!! Let's Just check this out through this blog.                                     My name is Snigdha   & I am not a qualified Psychologist or some saint or haven't done any superior course of getting a better life or anything like that. But this is my own way and space to explore and share what I feel and some great experiences I have had throughout my life journey, which is still continuing and so much more to learn and share with the readers to make everybody's life better. Hence, we learn with our own time or we can say Time is the best Teacher. Moving ahead !!!                                 HARDSHIPS are the Opportunities  for me to get Better & Better in Life. This Equation is