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Showing posts from March, 2024


  JOURNEY TO FIND ONESELF               Y ou know this will be a very/most difficult question if asked to anyone. Haha... And This will be the super easy question If one asks about the other person whom they are with they can tell easily that too mostly time negative. Duh !!!             We start to impress others, start doing things for others, and somehow find our life motto in their happiness & for our own happiness. Especially students, to impress their teachers so that they can be appreciated by teachers & society & parents as well. They don't do it from hearts, you can easily tell by their eyes.  They build their personality like that but sometimes what makes society happy, can't make you happy.                                                         Most of the Kids are stuck in this Chaos and start becoming silent, which is a very dangerous state for anyone on this Planet to be in . They start looking for people who listen to them & talk to them, to unde