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Snigdha Bhagat Blogs

ou know this will be a very/most difficult question if asked to anyone. Haha... And

This will be the super easy question If one asks about the other person whom they are with they can tell easily that too mostly time negative. Duh !!!

            We start to impress others, start doing things for others, and somehow find our life motto in their happiness & for our own happiness. Especially students, to impress their teachers so that they can be appreciated by teachers & society & parents as well. They don't do it from hearts, you can easily tell by their eyes. 

They build their personality like that but sometimes what makes society happy, can't make you happy.


             Most of the Kids are stuck in this Chaos and start becoming silent, which is a very dangerous state for anyone on this Planet to be in. They start looking for people who listen to them & talk to them, to understand them and when they don't find anyone that leads them to stress, depression, tension bla bla bla... These emotions are nothing but when they become silent and I can't blame their parents too because they also looking for someone like this too LOL... They become so cluttered into their heads, so when the inside isn't clean, how can things lead to the outside being sorted.

Everybody is so busy in their lives & indulges in running some race in their lives that they forget themselves inside them, "the real them" as a person. Their role as Parents or even a normal human being. One thing we are forgetting day by day is, What exactly the world is? That lies within your Family, that's a world to you. The people around you are that's the world to you. The kids you are parenting for, that's their world. The most important We don't need to be a role model for 1000 people out there but we need to be a role model for our kids only. 


So, rather than looking at someone outside, sit with you & find yourself. It's not rocket science which you won't get it. It's really simple. Just need a little. bit of training & there you go. 

Snigdha Bhagat Blogs

              Have a meeting with yourself every day at least for 5-10 minutes, because don't forget you always need to get expert advice. 

  • Show some gratitude for whatever you have because of the almighty because everybody might have asked for something you have and they don't.
  • Sit back, and notice your breath which they never ask for as it is passing all day & night, every single second without asking for our efforts. Thanks at least for its endless service to make us live.
  • Think of all the good times, and good people around you. 
  • Thank your Miraculous body that gives you the strength to go outside or inside the house & work.
  • It is Just like we need 15-20 minutes to get our devices charged up so that they can work for a whole day, so why not charge this emotional device inside us?

Hope You All Like It And Hopefully It Will Be Helpful.

Meet you all with another topic.      
Till then Enjoy... 
Spread Love!!! 
Stay Calm and Peaceful !!!


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