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Why We Girls Are Lacking Behind ????

                                       Why We Girls Are Lacking Behind.....????

Today I'm gonna right about a sensitive topic of my life.... So the following blog is my real feelings which I already Pen down and thought why not to make a blog of it.... So it is straight away from my heart...........

Why we girls are lacking behind.....which we ain't duhh!!! 

But according to the society, I'm talking about " Society" which is male dominating from I don't know past how many decades/Era!!!
Or we can say these things continued from the strating days of Earth or Life..... 
            ACTUALLY.......Let me tell you the biggest truth that we Girls ( from body) never lack behind in any field of word . Say about Shivji, the lord of lords of our Earth, he even relie on MAA Parvati, who is the face of Maa Durga, Amba, maa Kaali, Maa Naina devi, Maa bhwani, Maa sarasvati, Maa Laxmi and lot many more.... ( Jai Mata Di ).....

           Everytime our Earth used to be in danger Maa Durga come to protect our Earth, Lords. She ended all those sins or Killed devils from our Earth and History has proved this.... 
           So interms of spirituality these evils, Devils symbolise bad activities and Maa Durga we all women are the face of MAA so how can we being Girls are less than among anyone..... 

           THE reality is we all are statue or Just a Body nothing else. Our SOUL are WE & these BODY is our SOUL'S CLOTHES. So can we discriminate? who is stronger & who is weaker..... And who are we to do such non-sense? 
                      GOD CREATED US....!!!

                                 WE all should treated as equal. But NO.... we come on the Earth to do our duties which are alloted by GOD( I guess!!!)
And who cares what are we wearing, whether it is of man's body or woman's body. We all are here for our work. So, why are we wasting our timein such nuisence of killing girls in womb, not making girls a equal part of our society. 

ok, sorry we're diverting from our topic I guess.... my apology!!!

So where were we??? Yeahhh get it.... I was talking about why girls are lacking behind? So acc. to my observation and you can say my experience till now, says that we all need support of those whom we trust alot ( mark this)  or of whom who matters to us alot. You can say this could be the reason that we don't want to go against to those who matters to us alot especially to our parents, whether it's a Girl or Boy....... 

So it hardly matters boys are doing great, it does matter who is more doing its part toward society. And that is Girls/ women/Female.
                          These ladies sacrifice their wishes to make these so called man's life better. Before marriage... parents, relatives to think about them. Parent always get scared of being exploited by society if their girl have done something, if she would play some outdoor games or participated in dance, music I mean other than studies if she is a  part of anything that would be shameful for parents ( acc. to the society )...... 
                           AND Girls.... really/ truely doesn't want to hurt you sentiments dear Parents............
 They would say NO to those which uh think makes you let down. You Know WHY? Because Girls really cares about you. REMEMBER........ the souls and clothes part. 
                  When we came to the world we whether in boy's cloth or girl cloth, we seemed equally weighted or In any manner we both look same( except for the male and female part), everything seems same.
Then we raised our kids into male and female types. We made them male and FEmale.....
We made them weak and Strong. We raised our kids by saying that we ( girls) should be polite, calm, bear all non-sense, adjust whether you like it or not, keep remains Silent. As at my place if one is shouting like hell so other should remain silent and IN this other one should always be a WOMAN. There are lot many more things ,let me count.....
 Not providing them full or equal Diet. Milk boys need it most. WHY? Give it to girls if you think girls are weaker Duhhh!!! Ab agr koi bimar hai to diet uski achi honi chahiye ya jo healthy hai uski???? LOL thats the fact............


BUT yahan ulta always...... GIRLS should remain inside the house always and BOYS should be OUT.... WHY????

There is always a question on Girl's clothes and boys can remain in shorts.... WHY????

GIRLS ko manners sikhaye jaate hai and BOYS ko batmeez banaya jata hai..... WHY??? 

GIRLS ko limit sikhayi jaati hai but BOYS ko out of the limit jaane pe bhi parents kuch ni kehte, even encourage karte hai....... 

If you all expecting the same from girls then let her treat her the same as boys..... yhin sbb chizen Girls k saath bhi kare toh, GIRLS bhi out of the way jaa sakti hai.... IN ANY FIELD.... All they required is your support, society especially from parents because they are the one who matter them the most.... Girls get confidence when their parents are with them and confidence can make them and without it , they are broken.

So winding things up now..... just with small example......

SPINACH will remain spinach whether you make it vegetable or soup. So it's totally upto you. Both are healthy and make you strong coz  they both carries the qualities of spinach in them, Right?

                          SO JUST TRUST YOUR KIDS. 
                                    MAKE THEM.
                              DON'T BREAK THEM.


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