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A  Stable state of mind is our biggest Asset


the Power of Acceptance is the only glue which helps us to maintain the same.

       To Accept something means you understand others. 





                                               Whether their nature, character, the way they are , means Just accept others completely that you don't question their decision or about their behaviour that why are they doing this & that. You just know , that is their nature and then you don't feel bad about it, If their behaviour isn't in your favour, because you won't expect them to be your way because you already accept them the way they are..... 

That is why we need to accept everything around us...... and you know why do we need to do that????

Just to maintain OUR MENTAL PEACE, to make ourselves mentally stable , Calm, Peaceful. 

1. Nothing is big, except for Our mental peace/ inner high self.

2. No situation is big, except for Our mental peace/ inner high self.

3. No relationship is big, except for Our mental peace/ inner high self.

4. No physical Pain is big, except for Our mental peace/ inner high self.

                                         When this ACCEPTANCE  will become a part of us , when the awakening about Acceptance we got in our mind then automatically things become sorted out for us.  You will find automatically living this life become so easy because now we have started understand people/ things /situations rather than blaming them , having expectations from things/ people/ situations. 

                                We Trust Ourselves, we are at our Higher self, mental peace is there. We become stable then we don't feel the need to blame others, feeling bad about anyone, nobody's behaviour can bother us because we starts UNDERSTAND them . And most important  we will be in ourselves. We enjoy ourselves  that we won't have time to think about other's stuff because we in ourselves feel complete & satisfied. 

                                You will be happy always because you understand things now and automatically your surroundings become happy & light as wings & calm. You walk with this aroma of Happiness. Hence, people around you become happy too. 

Hope You All Like It And Hopefully It Will Be Helpful.

  This is Snigdha Bhagat, Signing off for now..... Meet you all with another topic.                         

                                Till then Enjoy...... Spread Love!!! Stay Calm and Peaceful !!!


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