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Life is beautiful !!! 💖 Is yours???

 " There's a hope is waiting for you in the dark......

You should know you're beautiful juz the way you are.

 You don't have to change a thing, the world can change its heart 💖. 

No scars to you beautiful. 

We're 🌟 stars & we're beautiful." 


                                                   Beautiful song.... Isn't it??? 

   Quite inspiring!!!

We've always heard "Life is beautiful" but Do we really believe that? If we believe it, Do we really feel it? 

We human beings are living beings.... That's what we say, ryt? But our bodies are like a machinery only. As machinery needs charging so as we do. And I'm not talking about fuel, that's our food but I am talking about charging, which lights up our mood... And if mood is up , our vision will be accordingly & as our vision will be , our way to look up to the things will be and life will turn out accordingly. 

We always need INSPIRATION as to charge ourselves. Hence, what exactly this INSPIRATION does?  We really feel motivated after hearing anybody who talk things as per his/her understanding or learnings from life. They took us to a b'ful trip for some time and we all start feeling ourself enjoying that trip ( through their speech) , totally get into that, feel like we're at cloud 9 . Feel enthusiastic for next few hours & now we will feel like we can do anything we want to.... But next morning we wake up again, now here is the moment, Are we still feeling the same??? 

How many of uh feel the same way??? This usually happened with me quite oftenly earlier. And I never understood why??? 

What that thing was which boosted me up and then few seconds later or with time passes, that enthusiasm of doing something or that vision of seeing ourselves happy in , juz " lost" !!! I again started Feeling empty, again came across some speech or quote, again feel boosted up and again "lost" !!! Demotivated!!! Lack of energy, hopeless, no vision nothing. 

                           But Why???

              If uh ask me?  I am still exploring the answers. And what I concluded yet is that this is because we get inspired ( which we think) not from the story, we got attracted to the storyline that person who already faced it, came out of it successfully and shared it with us all. As human nature we like happy endings and when we see that we automatically feeling happy. This happened the same here actually. We like the way that person shows the courage, we like all that. 


 We kinda start relating ourselves with them, but we forgot that Our life is different, Our story is different, Our strength is different. 


            And we started feeling happy about that. With that we quite feel enthusiastic because We suddenly feel cheer up. Sometimes people vision their things according to the person who so called inspired them with his/her story. Then why we lost that feeling after few moment? That's because that was someone else's way of living or vision, that only they got strength to achieve that. That juz made uh happy that how things turned out good for them. Juz like we watch some movie, we kinda feel connected to. That's it. 

            And uh thought uh got charged up which was not fully wrong to say, but half truth it is. Because if It didn't stay for long with uh and uh need another dose. Then, who knows this another dose will stay for how long after that too??? Haha..... 

           So, what I observed is we need to feel things from deep / inside , within from us. We need something that charged us up constantly and stay with us so that we won't look for it outside.... That's what we are lacking in....

We need to boost ourselves through us only.

We need to hold our hands by ourselves only.

We need to feel it from inside by ourselves only.

We juz have to be us. If we want to vision something, we need to act upon it and juz motivate ourselves, just Trust ourselves. Give no excuse policy . LOL.

               Don't relate or connect it to someone else's story. Make your own story which will be "Unique"..... From whom other in your life might get inspired from. You  never know!!!

Bss humain "hum" hi chahiye.... We Only wants "We" from inside..... Togetherness from inside with whom? With ourselves..... 

How can we do that???? Its just simple....

 Learn to ACCEPT the way you are.

Accept your every flaws coz that's how you are. And change it If it's required. Otherwise, Love yourself.  

Feel confident in your own body coz you are Unique & the only creature of your own type. So, how can we compare ourselves to others when we are so different from others, nothing is Comparable. 

STOP feeling pity on you.

STOP underestimate yourself. 

Be confident,  Bold.

Speak up whatever you feel .

Live n feel, each & every single breath of yours.

And say to you, "I don't need anyone, I HAVE GOT ME...... "

Until you feel from inside it won't get Permanent. Everything going to be temporary only, you have to feel it from inside because  if you look it from outside you never know at the very next moment you will have that support or not with you ( Inspiration Dene vala , other person) ....

                         Give inspiration to yourself by be you, not with the example of others. Recognise Yourself. Because you are always there for yourself when you need other dose of it as "Inspiration". You don't have to look it outside. You know uh always have you, with you. It's within you.... In your head.... Inside your heart ❤️. You don't have to search it outside. You are your own inspiration. 

Our competition is never with others, it's always with us. Always try to be better version of you with time. 

Everyday is a new beginning, 

New Day, 

New Life, 

New Time.... Everyday is your day. 

As times goes , we also have to move on ahead with the Life happily. 

LOVE IT.... LIVE IT.....


Hope You All Like It And Hopefully It Will Be Helpful.

This is SNIGDHA BHAGAT, Signing off for now..... Meet you all with another topic.                         

                                Till then Enjoy...... Spread Love!!! Stay Calm and Peaceful !!!


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