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SHRAADH - Celebrating LIFE & DEATH

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                                        LEARNINGS OF LIFE                                                      It's about 2023, the Date 10th of May, it was my Birthday. Everybody has their own way of doing stuff or celebrating or doing some unique stuff on their birthday so am I. I had completed my 3 decades OMG amazing know....  I had completed my best 30 years on this Planet, Earth. I had rough days, good days, bad days, and hard days but it was all worth it in the end because all these experiences made me who I am today, all those people I met in this lifetime till now, no matter if they are with me right now or not, I am thankful to each one of them.                                                            Hence, as gratitude, I just wanted to conclude whatever I learned till now... PATIENCE: Things will always fall into place when the time comes. We just need to do things that life brings us to. EATING FRUITS COMPULSORY (EVERY DAY): That's funny but I never used to ea


MEDITATION It is a Breathing Technique in simple words, in fact, a Deep breathing method that we simply named as Meditation. It's called Meditation because it requires Focus as well along with deep breathing. Closed eyes while doing meditation, can impact us more deeply & enhance our experience also. It's the best & I guess only way to know the world inside us not with open eyes but with the eyes closed.   Step 1. Deep Breath leads you to  Step 2. Be Peaceful leads you to Step 2. Focus inside us.                                Hence, there are 2 ways of doing Meditation : 1.  With the Eyes Open :                              This is something that we can do anywhere & anytime. This is simply what we do when we cannot focus or find solutions for a problem or sometimes feel exhausted. There we need to take a break on where ever you sit, and stand & just be quiet not only outside but also from inside. Make your inner voice quiet & try to listen to your breat


  JOURNEY TO FIND ONESELF               Y ou know this will be a very/most difficult question if asked to anyone. Haha... And This will be the super easy question If one asks about the other person whom they are with they can tell easily that too mostly time negative. Duh !!!             We start to impress others, start doing things for others, and somehow find our life motto in their happiness & for our own happiness. Especially students, to impress their teachers so that they can be appreciated by teachers & society & parents as well. They don't do it from hearts, you can easily tell by their eyes.  They build their personality like that but sometimes what makes society happy, can't make you happy.                                                         Most of the Kids are stuck in this Chaos and start becoming silent, which is a very dangerous state for anyone on this Planet to be in . They start looking for people who listen to them & talk to them, to unde


  ALL  You need to do is to live Just a Single day. ..  &  That's it !!! Now, many of us will wond er what I meant by this..... I know I know!!! Hold your horses beautiful readers. I will explai n everything.                                             W e as human beings have always been told to live or lead a beautiful life. We get trained by our parents, and teachers, then later on at our work surroundings etc. By seeing them & what situations demand, we keep on changing that way accordingly, in which there is nothing wrong at all but did anyone notice what exactly are we doing throughout the day?                                    We are living with our family, our parents, kids, spouse, friends, and workspace, and there are a lot of responsibilities to take care of & all we have is 24 hours a day , including ourselves and we need to live happily. We manage all the stuff & behave like "Superman" or sometimes we procrastinate a few things on another day


  HARDSHIPS ARE THE OPPORTUNITIES !!! What are these Hardship means?  Why do we feel this emotion of Hardship in any Situation? Maybe when we don't want to do something Or   Maybe which don't belong to our plan  Or   Maybe which is out of our Comfort / Interest zone.... Hmmm !!! Let's Just check this out through this blog.                                     My name is Snigdha   & I am not a qualified Psychologist or some saint or haven't done any superior course of getting a better life or anything like that. But this is my own way and space to explore and share what I feel and some great experiences I have had throughout my life journey, which is still continuing and so much more to learn and share with the readers to make everybody's life better. Hence, we learn with our own time or we can say Time is the best Teacher. Moving ahead !!!                                 HARDSHIPS are the Opportunities  for me to get Better & Better in Life. This Equation is


    LIVE LONGER ?  OR     LIVE LONGER WITH GOOD MENTAL & PHYSICAL HEALTH ?   THINK! THINK!! THINK!!! Let's start with the very beginning of our life, when it started, when we born. We were kids, got excellent immunity, Agree or not? Got great stamina, lots of energy, flexibility, healthy bones without any flaws. Everything was perfect.  Now, stop right there & think are we still the same? " No!!! " - To my surprise everybody's answer would be the the same. So what is it that made us different than earlier?                                                 My name is Snigdha & I am not any qualified Psychologist or some saint or haven't done any superior course of getting better life or anything like that. But this is my own way and space to explore and share what I feel some great experience I have got throughout my life journey, which is still continues and so much more to learn and share it with the readers to make everybody's life better. Hence