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How Can Anyone Heal Himself !!!

We all come across many problems/ situations in our lives that are not in our favor.... and we name them as Failure, hurt, betrayal, heartbreaks, and so on. 
Then, to come out from all those situations we always look for someone outside to heal the pain/wounds/hurt that we've created inside us.

So, I'm going to tell a secret which we already know but with the fast-paced life, we have forgotten now. So, here we go...

Healer Within

First of all, Never say my Pain is because of someone. In the moment when we say such things that means we're looking for a Healer somebody from outside.
Everything that we think, feel, speak, and behave.... the whole emotions come from within us and radiate out.

I am the Creator

First of all, stop the creation. Unless I stop creating my wounds or I can say in simple words that STOP OVER-THINK and all the healing put together can't heal us. 
Hence, I'm the Creator means "taking complete responsibility" in every situation( failure, betrayal, hurt ).
Creation means creating pain that never comes from outside, the cause may be from outside which I'm not denying but it is always that we create by ourselves or we can say rather to be happy or let go the things or learn a lesson, we always CHOOSE to be sad. Yes... That's right we choose sadness over happiness. So, whose responsibility is this? 

I'm not saying the other person is right whatever he/she did to you was their part but whatever we are creating is still our responsibility. So, when we understand that "I'm the creator of my own pain" i.e. any pain whether it's from outside or inside/ emotionally etc., we automatically start feeling that we have the power to heal it as well by ourselves.

Even the physical ailment i.e. not taking good care of our body and abusing the mind too while thinking negatively, taking stress, being depressed, and having wrong thoughts, we need to take care of our body because illness starts from here. 

In that case, looking for people outside as healers, won't really help actually. By chance, if we do find that healer from outside (another person or the same person who hurt us), that is not going to heal us permanently because we're again depending upon someone now, and when that person leaves us we'll start feeling the same way we used to did when that healer wasn't there. So it keeps on going and going and going. So what should we do???

How To Heal Me? 

I want to start it like this...
We all must have visited to hospital once in our lifetime so what do Doctors do? We used to tell them about our sickness and he provided us with some medicines with prescriptions. They only tell us how to take care of the body. Then I get back home. But what I do after getting back home is totally my responsibility. What if I do not have medicine acc. to my prescription, If I'm not able to take care of myself, then how can I expect my health to be better. In that case, we can't blame the doctor. Taking care of us is our responsibility and only ours.

Hence here, Patient: 'I' in Pain emotionally.
              Doctor : Healer i.e. I'm looking for outside.
                             Medicine : Healer's advise, their presence.( Don't depend too much upon medicines because until we have that med. we'll be okay and after that we'll fall sick again in their absence, So same as incase of healer outside).

What Should We Do

HEALER :- I CAN DO IT BY MYSELF. ( always say this to yourself and do it for yourself)
Because our Subconscious mind is always listening to our command as it is, no filter & start acts accordingly.

Always remember:-
CREATION becomes HABITS, becomes NATURE, becomes BEHAVIOUR automatically!!!
So, stop creating wounds/ pain for yourself because if you don't then it will be like I'm writing my own DESTINY OF PAIN which can never be healed... So be Careful.


Our every thought, word, and action is our Creation. Situations come to us from outside, but our responses are completely our choice.

People may cheat us, betray us, and trouble us, but we have no control over that
 but the emotions that we create are totally our responsibility. 
"I create my emotional wounds, and I need to heal that by myself".

If I say I can't change my habits, then I'm giving myself  a Negative Affirmation and writing a destiny of pain, which I believe none of us want this for us.

Hope You All Like It And Hopefully It Will Be Helpful.

Meet you all with another topic.      
Till then Enjoy... 
Spread Love!!! 
Stay Calm and Peaceful !!!


  1. Hey, it's nice the way you potray your thoughts. I would love to read more of it.


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