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Think Right No Matter What..... Part 1

  •           When 'I' replace by 'WE', then Illness becomes Wellness.
  •           Your Smile is Signature of God on your face, don't wipe it              off  with tears and Anger.
  •            TRUTH is just like a Debit card, first you have to pay for it            and then enjoy it for the rest of  your life. And LIE is same as             Credit  card, first njoy and then pay for the rest of your life.        
  •            MIND is MAGNET. When we used to think about good                things about ourselves, about situation or about others, so automatically we attracts BLESSINGS. And when we think            about Problems or we think negative/ bad about situation or others or ourselves, then we attracts PROBLEMS. So always think good, think positive.     
  •            If you can't be a PENCIL by which people draw happiness, then be a ERASER by                which people can erase their sorrows. 
  •            Nobody is Incharge of your happiness, mood, Anger. Its' upto you only, its' your choice        whether you choose happiness or sorrow or anger. So never blame other because it is your          choice only.
  •            If you really help someone and expecting the same in return then you're doing                       BUSINESS  not KINDNESS. Mind it.
  •            Try to avoid the 4Cs from your life i.e.Criticising, Compalining, Condemning,                     Comparing.
  •            Usually In today's life people think that Success is only a key to happiness, but thats not        true actually. Happiness is a key to Success. If you love and enjoy what you do, only then          you you be able to called as a Successful person.
  •             Don't enjoy and happy in someone else's pain or problems, God can Gift you the same         because god gives you everything in which you are happy. So be careful always.


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