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Think Right No Matter What..... Part 2

  •   Never raise your head with Arrogance. Don't forget even a Gold Medalist winner get his medal when he bow down. So, always be Humble.
  •   It is not difficult to sacrifice our everything for somebody but it is more difficult to find a right person who can value your sacrifices.
  •    It is not a big thing to have thousands of friends but to have one friend who always stand with you even when all those thousands stand against you.
  •    People HURT you but God HEAL you,                           People HUMILIATE you but God MAGNIFY you,       People JUDGE you but God JUSTIFY you.
  •   We all want to live at the top of the mountain ( live a damn good and wealthy life ), but we don't realise how many happy moment we miss while climbing the mountain. That's we say always enjoy the Present.
  •    We usually see that though the Iron ros is really hard to bend but when we heat it up it become so easy to bend that into any structure. Isily kabhi bhi apna mizaaz khraab naa kijiye nahi toh log apko usi tarah dhaal lenge jaisa voh chahte hai.
  •    Successful relationship never depend upon Understanding, it depend upon how smartly we can beware of Misunderstanding.
  •    Always think before you speak.
  •    Never believe on Rumour because there is always be 3 phase of reality/ 3 perception i.e. Mine, Yours and Truth.


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