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Showing posts from April, 2021


                                                                                    This NAVRATRE  we are discussing the 8 POWERs of SOUL, which is already there inside us but due to outer worlds' situations & problems, we indulge ourselves into it alot that we forgot to use them in our lives or we even forgot that there is something like that within us. We used to look for the solution outside but they are hidden somewhere inside us . That we have to invoke them again ..... Hence, we do celebrate these days to learn how to invoke these powers again within us .                                         Let's discuss the rest of the POWERs as follows: POWER 06 : POWER TO DECISION Power  To  Detach/ Withdraw Power  To  Let Go Power  To  TOLERATE Power  To  ACCEPT Power  To  DISCERN Power  To  DECISION SARASWATI  MAA Symbolic   : SITAAR                    ARMAMENTS/ SHASTRA                    GARLAND / MALA 1.                     SITAAR  means that soul whose Discerns' power


                                        This NAVRATRE  we are discussing the 8 POWERs of SOUL, which is already there inside us but due to outer worlds' situations & problems, we indulge ourselves into it alot that we forgot to use them in our lives or we even forgot that there is something like that within us. We used to look for the solution outside but they are hidden somewhere inside us . That we have to invoke them again ..... Hence, we do celebrate these days to learn how to invoke these powers again within us .                                         We already have discussed  about Power 01 & Power 02, i.e. Power to Detach/ Withdraw & Power to Let Go resp. ..... Here we are going to discuss rest of the Powers. POWER 03  :  POWER TO TOLERATE Power  To  Detach/ Withdraw Power  To  Let Go Power  To  TOLERATE                                                                 JAGDAMBE   MAA How can a soul be a JAGAT ki Maa ????                                    When a


                        WEAPONS OF KNOWLEDGE  ......... 1. Acceptance. 2. Give Unconditional love to others. 3. I'm always responsible to my Responses. 4. Everything is in my Hands. 5. Learn to Let Go the things. Bring  Change in Yourself because everybody have got this courage inside you, we just need to find it. God does that always, he reminds us of our own powers which is already in our souls, which we have forgotten. In Hindu Dharma, GODS are really great IMAGES we can learn from and adapt the same qualities into us. It is not just reading their stories and listen to music and fasting that leads you to celebrate them. But to achieve their qualities or awakening of powers into oneself . Hence this leads you to celebrate NAVRATRE, because there is always a meaning of  celebration . Right?  So Lets celebrate this time, a Meaningful Navratre :  POWER  01 :  POWER  TO  WITHDRAW / DETACH  DAY 01 - MAA SHAILPUTRI   "Tortoise Image" means Shell of Tortoise which he usually


                        "   DON'T RAISE YOUR KIDS TO HAVE MORE THAN YOU HAD,                                   RAISE THEM TO BE MORE THAN YOU WERE. "         This above Phrase says that Don't raise your kids with the understanding of giving them more than you had in your childhood( Facilities, Games, Comforts, Money) . Instead, being Parents your duty is to raise them with the personalities stronger than you were !!!  Two Aspects to be seen : 1. PHYSICALLY                                           2. MENTALLY/ EMOTIONALLY/ SPIRITUALLY                             Which says, Parents should not only try to focus on giving them physical comforts, which make them ADDICTED or DEPENDANT on something BUT also make them MENTALLY/ PHYSICALLY STRONG, trained their minds to face the problems of OUTER world, no matter how BIG they are. Make them to live in whatever the environment is, to be with people/ humans no matter which Community they belong to , Rich / Poor , of any Cast