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    This NAVRATRE we are discussing the 8 POWERs of SOUL, which is already there inside us but due to outer worlds' situations & problems, we indulge ourselves into it alot that we forgot to use them in our lives or we even forgot that there is something like that within us. We used to look for the solution outside but they are hidden somewhere inside us . That we have to invoke them again ..... Hence, we do celebrate these days to learn how to invoke these powers again within us .

                                       We already have discussed  about Power 01 & Power 02, i.e. Power to Detach/ Withdraw & Power to Let Go resp. ..... Here we are going to discuss rest of the Powers.


  1. Power  To  Detach/ Withdraw
  2. Power  To  Let Go
  3. Power  To  TOLERATE 
                                                             JAGDAMBE   MAA

How can a soul be a JAGAT ki Maa ???? 
                                  When a Soul Accept every Soul around them as their Child.........
                                   Now, CHILD means what?????
Just like a Mother give Unconditional love & Acceptance to her Child,  likewise we have to be. We need to accept everyone just like they are . Then, only we can emerge this POWER TO TOLERATE within us. As once we accept others' nature, character, we won't be like we tolerate this Person/Situation/Thing anymore, we already aware about it. So, no chance of tolerating anything/ anybosy or waste our energy to thinking about it anymore in our head.

BUT! BUT!! BUT!!! 
Before accepting others , First we need to learn to Accept Ourself. 
Once  we accept ourselfs' weaknesses, love ourselves.... then only we will be able to Accept others as well. 
                     Never say I can't do that, I don't know why I am like this, why I am like that, why my situations are always bad, why this thing happened to me, I am the less blessed person etc....... Don't complaint about yourself, Just try to look for a solution, make yourself understand Politely & with love  .  It's Just like a Mother is saying all these words to her kids and Ask them to 'GIVE UP'
                     THINK !!!! HOW IT'S GOING TO FEEL LIKE..... 

Mother means what ?????? 
Mother means accept our weaknesses . For Example, I'm in Pain, I'm feeling terrible..... I'm not be able to work on myself, Then how will I be able to give unconditional love to others. It's not possible...... This is how  we won't be able to accept this way. So, for that we must have inner strength/ Power.

Inner Strength / Power means????? means I, the soul have overcome all the weaknesses , calmly and with love. and how can we do this calmly? When we will accept ourselves . Hence, tolerance comes automatically. because it won't feel like burden that we tolerate this from outside... but we won't be able to recognise.... we did that and we haven't even noticed about it.

                                             We can say ,"Its ok whatever happened wasn't in our control but what is in our control is how we can handle the situation or people , and focus to look for solution". Don't blame on anyone, for anything , it's just going to make our energy down because we will think about it again & again , And going to waste our energy and time only, and going to trouble ourselves only.
                  That's how we do transfer our energies to other people. You all might have noticed that sometimes we found people with the positive energy means we feel good around some people and sometimes we meet some people and do not get good vibes


  1. Power  To  Detach/ Withdraw
  2. Power  To  Let Go
  3. Power  To  TOLERATE
  4. Power  To  ACCEPT

Santoshi means Santusht ( Complete ) Soul......

SymbolicBowl full of Rice.
Means : Each piece of rice represents each soul around us. The soul  ( MAA)  who is awakened/ full of knowledge ------- will Accept each soul ( RICE in bowl ) ------ Nurture it (by get detached ) --------     Tolerate it ( i.e. for their actions, happily ) -------- ACCEPTANCE comes automatically & similarly the 'uncondtional LOVE' term has been arisen from here. 
                           If its hard for you to understand. Let's understand this with the example of Mothers...... They used to accept their kids as they are , their goods , bads, accepts everything. 
             And if there is something bad she found in them, she will focus to work on that, i.e their bad behaviour . She never GIVE UP on her kids. 


  1. Power  To  Detach/ Withdraw
  2. Power  To  Let Go
  3. Power  To  TOLERATE
  4. Power  To  ACCEPT
  5. Power  To  DISCERN

Goddess  Of  Intellectual 

Symbolic : CHAKRA in one Hand, spinning....
                   SHANKH in another Hand......
                   HANSA / SWAN
     1.                 Spinning of Disc/ CHAKKRA means that it is constantly spinning which is known as SELF - REALISATION CHAKRA or SUDARSHAN CHAKKRA, self realisation, knowlege of itself is must.

                         SELF - REALISATION/ SUDARSHAN MEANS????

We are a Soul , PURITY & TRUTH is my Original Sanskar. Peace is my Nature , which we will realise after SELF - REALISATION. Then we don't need to sit & think what to do, DECISION making would become so Easy & Quick. We just know who I'm after realisation and that just flow naturally. Hence, Power to DISCERN ( parakhna) will be Accurate & Natural. 

 2.                          SHANKH means that SOUL who have realised their self being , that  soul whatever will say , their each word would always be for the Goodwill of others' Soul.

3.                    HANSA / SWAN means As Swan always choose PEARLS & put away the stones. Likewise it represents we should keep POSITIVE & GOOD thoughts and NEGATIVE thoughts away.  We should make our minds as Swans' Intellectual skills & raise the POWER To DISCERN and Put away negative thoughts.



THIS IS SNIGDHA, Signing off for now ..... Meet you all in my another blog discussing about further more Powers of Navratri .

Till then Enjoy..... Spread LOVE!!! Stay CALM and PEACE!!!
JAI MATA DI..... :) 



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