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                                  RAISE THEM TO BE MORE THAN YOU WERE. "

       This above Phrase says that Don't raise your kids with the understanding of giving them more than you had in your childhood( Facilities, Games, Comforts, Money) . Instead, being Parents your duty is to raise them with the personalities stronger than you were !!! 

Two Aspects to be seen : 1. PHYSICALLY 

                                         2. MENTALLY/ EMOTIONALLY/ SPIRITUALLY

                            Which says, Parents should not only try to focus on giving them physical comforts, which make them ADDICTED or DEPENDANT on something BUT also make them MENTALLY/ PHYSICALLY STRONG, trained their minds to face the problems of OUTER world, no matter how BIG they are. Make them to live in whatever the environment is, to be with people/ humans no matter which Community they belong to , Rich / Poor, of any Caste/ any Religion/ with any Gender. Teach them to adjust or adapt whatever the situation is. 


People wants to give their kids as many Happiness as they can, provide them with number of gadgets , Indoor games, not teach them to do Physical activity as a matter of fact which only " PARENTS" thought, while doing all that they are protecting their kids from sweating, dirt, sunrays etc. Really??? why??? Atlast, we all have to live in a same environment..... Right?

 Some don't let their kids to work at home, preventing them from kitchen , laundary, home cleaning. I mean I understand they need to focus on studies , Physical activities. But its only when they are doing that, what if they are sitting idle , instead of letting them sit alone in the room doing some stuff on phone, play games which you guys even don't know what it is OR letting them sit in a corner watching TVs' unnecessary stuff. Make them to help you sometimes. Parents are thinking they are atleast divert their mind or these gadgets are making them happy, which no doubt they bring Happiness, Comforts to your kids but DO YOU REALLY THINK , ARE THEY GOOD FOR YOUR KIDS' BRAIN?  I want answer from you parents only..... Do comment me down below.

Parents wants to make their childrens' life a King style BUT I wonder Do they actually have any idea, What is actual to be like a KING? What are the hardships they been through, how they been raised to be "AN ACTUAL KING"?


We all must have heard about the term " THE GURUKUL". Right? where Kids ( or to be KING) from different Clan, state used to go there for their Education in old days. It was like camps, Kids used to live basic life. Cooking, Cleaning, Stayed with different people, Laundary stuff, Agriculture, Eat basic food etc. a very normal life. These are those kids who will going to be a King someday. They went through all so that they can easily be adaptive to the situations in future, Able to understand their peoples' problems from the ground level. 

They were raised MENTALLY strong, so that no problems can tear them apart. They can face them strongly and come out of it easily, because when you're MENTALLY Strong, no problem seems big to you. Its all about how well we trained our minds. Those were the parents who actually loved their kids.

Unlike, todays' generation who are making their kids weak esp. Emotionally dependant on something which isn't real.  Making them away from Real world, people, society, Nature etc..... They all are addicted to Gadgets & Phones, where they are comfortably talking to strangers ONLINE but can't talk to them face to face. They got to see plants, fields everything in video Games  but don't get to see in real lives. These are some common examples which we basically get to see around these days, there are many more.

                                            Today Rate of suicides are increasing, Depression problems, Anxiety issues and may more problems. kids from very basic age, they aren't able to handle things because nobody taught them , nobody trained their minds that if things aren't their way its okay. TRY next time. 

Parents should sit with their kids. Talk to them about everything. That is all todays' generations' kids wants. They don't want your money dear Parents. They want your Time. They can earn their money by themselves, just be with them when they want . 

Don't ask them to be a part of race, crowd. Don't pressure them to get good grades or marks. Ask them to find yourself, sit with your kids and help them to find theirselves, ask them to be Unique. Make them to take their own decision by their own . Make them to believe themselves. 

Now, some Parents will say that they are doing or working hard for their kids. Earning alot so that their Kids can have better future. I'M sorry to ask, what if they won't be there in future or live that long to enjoy all that what you presently earning?  Because you are making them weak. Emotionally weak !!!


According to me, the Reason behind this is that the todays' Generation as Parents is itself getting so much tired from work / effortless that they don't even want or have interest to raise a kid. I mean they want to have kids but don't have that Mental strength to bear the load of raising them. 

They being parents make themselves so busy in work, that they usually forget to atleast spend some valuable time with their kids. Instead of spending time with them, feed them, giving them or teach them some basic values, they are Earning so hard that they can bring happiness to their kids while bringing these gadgets or let them have what they want. They think that way they can divert their kids' mind, make them busy playing ..... So that Parents can enjoy their own leisure time not with their kids but with each other or resting. Even they don't have spare time because everybody is focusing of earning money so hard. 

BUT THE ACTUAL TRUTH IS : they are earning for themselves.... To raise their standard of living in society, to showoff their standards, NO HAPPINESS..... ONLY MONEY......


                  Not only to make their Physical life powerful but also their Mentally life as well. 

  1. We  should give our children Physical comfort but not make them depedant on it. They need to learn to remain stable. 
  2. We want our kids to take care of their profession & families in the future. To effectively manage work and people later, they need to first take chahrge of their Emotions & behaviour. SELF DISCIPLINE IS THE FIRST STAGE OF DISCIPLINING OTHERS.
  3. It take only few days of determination and sincere efforts to change a habit. The longer we live with that bad habit, we become emotionally weaker & Changing the habit will then take more time. That is why we says Young minds are easy to handle or to be taught than to be matured ones, because they already got some random habits from childhood which is not easy to mould or change.
  4. Let us make ourselves & our kids SPIRITUALLY strong so that they will be Happy.... MENTALLY & PHYSICALLY Healthy and have beautiful relationships in life.


THIS IS SNIGDHA, Signing off for now ..... Meet you all with another topic soon.

Till then Enjoy..... Spread LOVE!!! Stay CALM and PEACE!!!


  1. 👍 well done...🌼 Keep it up❣️

    1. Tq love ❤️ keep supporting and do share your views as well....


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