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                                               This NAVRATRE we are discussing the 8 POWERs of SOUL, which is already there inside us but due to outer worlds' situations & problems, we indulge ourselves into it alot that we forgot to use them in our lives or we even forgot that there is something like that within us. We used to look for the solution outside but they are hidden somewhere inside us . That we have to invoke them again ..... Hence, we do celebrate these days to learn how to invoke these powers again within us .

                                       Let's discuss the rest of the POWERs as follows:


  1. Power  To  Detach/ Withdraw
  2. Power  To  Let Go
  3. Power  To  TOLERATE
  4. Power  To  ACCEPT
  5. Power  To  DISCERN
  6. Power  To  DECISION


Symbolic  : SITAAR
                   ARMAMENTS/ SHASTRA
                   GARLAND / MALA

1.                   SITAAR means that soul whose Discerns' power is Accurate and whose decision making power is correct, that soul won't influence by anyone or with society. That SOUL can creates its own Music, creating its own script that with the awareness what is right or wrong. 

2.                   ARMAMENTS / SHASTRA means KNOWLEGDE. A soul which is full of knowledge , is capable of Making DECISION i.e. accurate decision of their own.

3.                   GARLAND/ MALA means a Soul who can make their own decision but still can protect and respect and bind together everyone in family or relations just like a Garland. 
Pearl is connected ------ Taking their own decision ------ but still love each other ------ no Judgements ------- With full Understanding that whatever the other person is doing or taking decisons is according to their own Goodwill. We should have that Trust. We have to take decisions but we have to be with our families or relations. DON'T HATE ANYONE & LET GO.


  1. Power  To  Detach/ Withdraw
  2. Power  To  Let Go
  3. Power  To  TOLERATE
  4. Power  To  ACCEPT
  5. Power  To  DISCERN
  6. Power  To  DECISION
  7. Power  To  FACE


What usually we do is to IGNORE our Weakness & to FACE our People/ Society
We should do is OPPOSITE to it......


TO BEAR/ IGNORE :-   People / Society.

          TO FACE :-  Our Weaknesses.



  1. Power  To  Detach/ Withdraw
  2. Power  To  Let Go
  3. Power  To  TOLERATE
  4. Power  To  ACCEPT
  5. Power  To  DISCERN
  6. Power  To  DECISION
  7. Power  To  FACE
  8. Power  To  Cooperate

We always says that don't expect but there should be a thought that whenever we used to be in any relationship , don't have personal expectations. 
Have Understanding of Each other & cooperate each other.  


THIS IS SNIGDHA, Signing off for now ..... Meet you all in my another blog soon.

Till then Enjoy..... Spread LOVE!!! Stay CALM and PEACE!!!
JAI MATA DI..... :) 



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