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Showing posts from 2022

Think me a Part of You...!!!

  Dedicate to someone special who is everything to you.... Who is a part of you...!!! Sometimes you never know , people are just happened to you. You just met somebody to whom you can connect through "VIBES ". It is not about their Looks, or you got attracted towards them by seeing their personality or their profession or to which country he lives, what's his/her lifestyle etc.  NO.....!!! It Certainly the Vibes Only....... Such Bond, such people have got very verrrryyyyyyyyy special place in your Heart. In your Lives. You simply wanna Love them, adore them, enjoy each other's company. They are such a beautiful people in your Lives. I am sure, it happened to all of us who are reading this blog right now. Am I right??? This feeling is beautiful and and and my dear readers it isn't even a LOVE..... Then what it is called??? It is something BEYOND this LOVE thing..... It is a VIBE ....  I know I know some people will laugh at me after reading this but it's TRUE. ...

I Don't Wanna Grow Old !!!

  FINANCIAL DEPENDENCY MAKE YOU ORPHAN ......                                         Doesn't really matter whether you're male or female or any other gender, caste, race, religion, nationality..... This Financial dependency makes you useless, Powerless, Orphan. You start feeling like you're worthless. People around you makes you feel like, you never belong to them. And that's not something I'm making it by my own, I saw that. I've experienced that too.                              Even your Parents and siblings too. Then why are we talking about our Indian culture, so proudly of having "Joint family", when there is 'NO ACCEPTENCE', 'NO RESPECT' among each other. We usually says that we understand each other emotionally, that is why we are connected But Do we "Indian" actually really think it's TRUE???  ...

Power of Our Thoughts

  Thoughts are basically what??? Our thinking, Right???  But how does this thinking form??? Whatever we feel or Our mood is according to our surroundings??? Is it??? Think....!!! THOUGHTS  comes from  THINKING  comes from  HOW WE FEEL/ OUR MOOD  acc. To our Surroundings,  comes from  INNER PEACE  comes from  THOUGHTS  again.....                                                 Whatever we do in Our lives is all depends upon how we think or how Our Thoughts are, whom we call it as Our WISH . Things we keep on thinking , becomes Our MANIFESTATION, which we normally call it as Aims/ dreams/ Goals and how we manifest, things automatically happens that way or start revolving around those things.  That's how we say Universe work.                        ...

Life is beautiful !!! 💖 Is yours???

 " There's a hope is waiting for you in the dark...... You should know you're beautiful juz the way you are.  You don't have to change a thing, the world can change its heart 💖.  No scars to you beautiful.  We're 🌟 stars & we're beautiful."                                                                                                       Beautiful song.... Isn't it???     Quite inspiring!!! We've always heard "Life is beautiful" but Do we really believe that? If we believe it, Do we really feel it?  We human beings are living beings.... That's what we say, ryt? But our bodies are like a machinery only. As machinery needs charging so as we do. And I'm not talking about fuel, that's ou...