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How to stay calm in every situation - POWER OF PATIENCE

POWER OF PATIENCE is a Power from UNIVERSE.                                                 Yes...!!! Universe power...!!! Uh've read it right. The Universe got lots of Power or Energies which comes from Stars, Asteroids, Planets , many unaware materials from the Galaxies. That is why we call it as a Powerful Space. So as we are because we are a part of such planet which already a part of this powerful Universe. Hence we attain those Powers/ Energies within us which we call it as Emotions .....    EMOTIONS are the main source to build our MENTAL health.   But...!!!  Which power is healthy for us or which is like a junk food for us, that we human need to stay focused on or we can say we need to stay Awakened for.                                                                                                                                   Likewise, there are many Powers/ Energies which makes us Strong that we can face any situation without breaking ourselves down. For example: Po


  Thoughts are basically what??? Our thinking, Right???  But how this thinking forms??? Whatever we feels or Our mood is according to our surroundings??? Is it??? Think....!!! THOUGHTS comes from THINKING comes from HOW WE FEEL/ OUR MOOD  acc. To our Surroundings ,  comes from INNER PEACE comes from THOUGHTS again.....                                                 Whatever we do in Our lives is all depends upon how we think or how Our Thoughts are, whom we call it as Our WISH. Things we keep on thinking , becomes Our MANIFESTATION, which we normally call it as Aims/ dreams/ Goals and How we manifest, things automatically happens that way or start revolving around those things. That's how we say Universe work.                                                     Sometime s I feel like we human actually got some magnetic powers , and we do can attract things. We always need to work in that direction to attract them. But with One condition i.e. if we really want to achieve things


A  Stable state of mind is our biggest Asset  and  the Power of Acceptance is the only glue which helps us to maintain the same.         To Accept something means you understand others.  ACCEPTANCE is UNDERSTANDING .   UNDERSTANDING is where there is LOVE / COMPASSION .  When LOVE is there YOU WILL DO THINGS for others WITH  HAPPINESS .                                                                                              Whether their nature, character, the way they are , means Just accept others completely that you don't question their decision or about their behaviour that why are they doing this & that. You just know , that is their nature and then you don't feel bad about it, If their behaviour isn't in your favour, because you won't expect them to be your way because you already accept them the way they are.....  That is why we need to accept everything around us...... and you know why do we need to do that???? Just to maintain OUR MENTAL PEACE, to

How to lead a happy life...!!!

                                            The way we think, we will become that way.....                                           Likewise As you Sow, so shall you Reap......                     Always Choose to Viberate at High frequency.  HIGH  FREQUENCY means .......??? Positive thinking, Good words, Bless yourself. Raising your thoughts' Power with Positive Words, because whatever the Energy / Mood we are at, If it,s LOW then  you'll see things accordingly i.e. not good and vice verse...... But by saying Good words if you'll at low mood then still you can raise your energy or lift up your mood. WHY THOUGHTS  MANIFESTS  IN  LIFE ??? So that we can create them with full faith. Viberating Energy is directly propotional to Perceiving Energy..... For Instance :  In Case you hit the car or your Car hit by another Car. You won't say anything,  if you're at high frequency or if you're vibrating at high frequency. You won't believe from  where it comes (the r


      It is so easy to say that it is your fault, Isn't it???                                     It's  so easy to blame others for our behaviour towards them or Our actions towards them ,says they've done this way or said things to me which triggered me or I got Irrated and out of reaction I said that. MEANS : We ain't accepting our mistakes moreover we're blaming others for that..... Things which we ain't own them , how is it possible for us to change. Hence we need to accept our mistakes rather than counting others, then only we can leads to the mental peace of our soul. It's so easy for anyone to say, that person deserves all the bad things happened to them. Isn't it so Easy??? YOU KNOW WHY ??? Because it's pretty easy to Blame others, to point out their mistakes , to put allegations on someone  rather than accepting your own mistakes ( ourselves). What difficult is Or Out of our comfort zone is to Change Ourselves , Our way of thinking, Our natu


                                                                                    This NAVRATRE  we are discussing the 8 POWERs of SOUL, which is already there inside us but due to outer worlds' situations & problems, we indulge ourselves into it alot that we forgot to use them in our lives or we even forgot that there is something like that within us. We used to look for the solution outside but they are hidden somewhere inside us . That we have to invoke them again ..... Hence, we do celebrate these days to learn how to invoke these powers again within us .                                         Let's discuss the rest of the POWERs as follows: POWER 06 : POWER TO DECISION Power  To  Detach/ Withdraw Power  To  Let Go Power  To  TOLERATE Power  To  ACCEPT Power  To  DISCERN Power  To  DECISION SARASWATI  MAA Symbolic   : SITAAR                    ARMAMENTS/ SHASTRA                    GARLAND / MALA 1.                     SITAAR  means that soul whose Discerns' power


                                        This NAVRATRE  we are discussing the 8 POWERs of SOUL, which is already there inside us but due to outer worlds' situations & problems, we indulge ourselves into it alot that we forgot to use them in our lives or we even forgot that there is something like that within us. We used to look for the solution outside but they are hidden somewhere inside us . That we have to invoke them again ..... Hence, we do celebrate these days to learn how to invoke these powers again within us .                                         We already have discussed  about Power 01 & Power 02, i.e. Power to Detach/ Withdraw & Power to Let Go resp. ..... Here we are going to discuss rest of the Powers. POWER 03  :  POWER TO TOLERATE Power  To  Detach/ Withdraw Power  To  Let Go Power  To  TOLERATE                                                                 JAGDAMBE   MAA How can a soul be a JAGAT ki Maa ????                                    When a